Sunday, March 22, 2015


Planing and Blocking

Analyzing the changing of direction and bounces of my tail-ball 

Blocking changing direction bouncing ball 

First Video 

Hey everyone this is my plan and my first video of my bouncing ball, feedback is much appreciated.

After rethink and reevaluate my last animation, where I made many big mistakes in several important points such as, key pose, squash and stretch and smooth out the bounce ball´tail I decided start my animation from scratch. In fact I really concert about the steps that I have to follow  to faces all theses problems. 

    Final Video of bouncing tail-ball

Hi everyone this is my final video I expect I could improved a lot in my bounce ball´tail animation, I got a feel that the answer is yes. 

How you can watch I made this animation much smooth out in the movement of the tail with clearly key pose. Also stretch and squash in the impact of the ball on the floor. Additionally with a lot momentum in the second bounces.

In the third bounce, I played with the time and spacing. Where the character moved fast in a short time. Creating in the animation a little be of contrast. 

Analyzing the bouncing of tennis ball, also the stretch and squash at the moment of the impact on the floor


  1. looking good, I would adjust the angle of the camera to be a little more side on to see all the bounces clearer. Timing early on seems to be fine (with some refining).
    The bounce over the last hurdle may need more of a build up. More height with the proceeding bounces to give the feeling of momentum. This would probably mean the last few bounces will need adjusting to take this into account.

  2. Looks great. Adjusting the camera to be more side on would show the squash and stretch for the bounces, and how they change as your character jumps over different sized hurdles. The bounces over the hurdles are more important to see than the final bounces slowing down. Cheers, Laura

  3. bounces look good but the tail is a little stiff.

  4. ball bounces very fast on the last bounce and quite slow at the beginning of the first two bounces. the last bounces are getting there but overall their needs to be alot more work done

  5. Hi guys, thanks you for all your comments, help me to improve a lot in my final animation :)
